Monday, March 21, 2011

Major Organ and the Adding Machine - 2001

Something recent-ish (but still a decade old)! This is one of my favorite albums of all time and here are some reasons why:
1. It features nearly every member of the Elephant 6 Collective (who gave us bands like Neutral Milk Hotel, Olivia Tremor Control, Of Montreal, The Music Tapes, etc.) if you like any of those bands there is something for you to like here.
2. That said, no one in any of these bands is willing to divulge their involvement...the official explanation is that these are the recordings found by a mythical bandleader named Major Organ (although you can clearly hear Jeff Mangum and Kevin Barnes on various tracks).
3. Pitchfork gave it a 4.5/10 and the review has inexplicably vanished from their website
4. Thematically it covers everything from a sad woman named Madame Truffle baking pastries in the shape of Kris Kristofferson, to an avenger named Francisco saving a band of children to a French counting song to eyeballs looking like Moonpies.
5. Musically it sounds somewhere between "Revolution #9" Beatles/Pierre Henry musique concrete and every psychedelic pop album from the 60s.
Admittedly it has "difficult" moments so if its not your cuppa tea at least give "His Misters Pet Whistles","Madame Truffle", and "Life Form" a listen, but I recommend listening to it as a whole multiple times either loud or through headphones. Does anyone remember the candy Brach's Rocks? They were gross.

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